2015 Wellbeing March Career
Career This month is your opportunity to focus on your career and career path. Where are you now? Where do you want to go? How can you make your career more….Profitable? Enjoyable? Meaningful? Most of us spend more time working than anything else in our lives. Most of us also spend more time with our co-workers than our own families. How can you make the most of the time? Do you “ Love How you Work”? How would you like to see your career path grow? Training? Continuing Education? More involvement with professional organizations? March is your chance to give this some serious thought as we continue on our path to overall wellbeing!
Event: Workplace Wellbeing Tuesday March 17th
There is growing awareness on the issue of worker wellbeing and the economics related to this issue. We believe the physical workplace can actually help. We see a paradigm shift on how to measure the effectiveness of space and how space protects an organization’s most valuable asset – their people.
Our presentation will strive to accomplish the following:
- The importance and economics of Wellbeing
- Defining essential Wellbeing trends and dimensions
- Leveraging the workplace to design for Wellbeing
The presenter/facilitator for this Wellbeing experience will be Kevin Butler, Senior Ergonomist for Steelcase.Kevin Butler is a Board Certified Professional Ergonomist who holds both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering. Although Kevin has extensive experience as an ergonomics consultant, for the last several years he has been almost completely dedicated to the holistic topic of Wellbeing. While Kevin’s primary role at Steelcase began in understanding the meaning of workplace Wellbeing by bench-marking and best-practice-sharing, it has evolved into maximizing his knowledge and expertise as a practitioner. This is realized by assisting organizations of varying sizes in the design and implementation of their Ergonomic and Wellness program development efforts, always striving to leverage the workplace as a resource to increase both individual and organization Wellbeing.
Kevin holds professional affiliations with several organizations that include but are not limited to the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
The Lazy Goat
170 River Place
Greenville, SC 29601
11:30 am – noon Registration & Buffet Lunch
Noon – 1:00 pm CEU presentation
1:00 pm Networking time
Young Office Spartanburg Showroom
105 Southport Road
Spartanburg, SC 29306
4:00 – 4:15 pm Registration
4:15 – 5:00 pm CEU presentation
5:00 – 5:30 pm Q&A
5:30 – 6:00 pm Networking Showroom Tours
March 6th Day of Unplugging Just what is the Day of Unplugging? Well, it is no secret that we are increasingly connected to the world around us. Smartphones, tablets, WiFi access and the Internet have enabled us to be connected to the entire world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every single day of the year. This offers endless possibilities and has of course widened many people’s horizons immensely by showing them what the world is like thousands of miles away. However, there are also times in our lives when we seem to forget just how necessary it is to step back from out digital devices and other gadgetry and actually perform the ancient art of speaking with people around us and observe the world that is all around us, and not just the pixels forming images of reality on the screen in front of us. Not to mention how much we could help the environment by deciding to set our electrical equipment aside every now and then and just meet up with the people we’re endlessly e-chatting with for a coffee. The Day of Unplugging was created to do all of these things and more.
The History of the Day of Unplugging, The National Day of Unplugging was created by Reboot, a nonprofit Jewish community that was originally established in 2003. However, you do not need to be Jewish, or even religious at all to participate. The idea behind the day was to challenge people to keep their electronic devices unplugged and unused for 24 hours in order to give themselves the chance to take a break and spend time relaxing with family, friends, or alone. This is definitely something that would be useful to everyone, regardless of religion or lack of it. Reboot believes that such time taken to “reboot” or systems will make us happier, more content with our lives, and more aware of the things that matter.
How to Celebrate the Day of Unplugging, Celebrating this day is quite simple. All that one is required to do is to disconnect from the virtual “matrix” which has come to define every waking moment of our lives. So power down that laptop, leave the smartphone at home and avoid email for twenty-four hours. Instead, take a walk in a local park, and don’t just rush through the park to get it over with, either. Take the time to observe the way the squirrels scamper up and down the trees, or the way the water flows in a stream, or how a mother duck looks after her young. Don’t just look at it as if it were a picture in a book, realize that you are a part of it, a part of nature, and appreciate that. Or you could go have a cup of coffee with a friend during which you talk about every issue that comes to mind, the large and the small, because these are the things that life is made of, all of them. And of course do not take your phone out to text while nodding absent-mindedly, as that would defeat the entire purpose of the outing. In this sense, the art of “powering down” can produce some truly relaxing results, so put down that smartphone and take advantage of this truly pleasurable experience.
March 19th Client’s Day No matter what goods or services you sell, the truth is that your business would be nothing without its clients. No matter whether we’re talking about those who visit the shopping mall every few weeks or those who prefer to make their purchases over the internet, the truth is that no business would make it without them. They’re the ones who not only pay you for what you offer, but do a great amount of advertising for you as well. Remember: no celebrity paid thousands if not millions of dollars to say he or she loves a certain product could ever convince your stubborn but lovable grandparents to buy an item as well as you can, and your satisfied clients do you favors like this every single day. And that’s why showing them your appreciation is so important! Client’s Day was created for the purpose of letting all of your clients know just how glad you are that they’ve chosen your company. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to celebrate them!
The History of Client’s Day, The concept of having a holiday that would celebrate clients worldwide and their contribution to various businesses, from multinational corporations to mom and pop convenience stores, originated in Klaipėda, Lithuania, in 2010. It was then and then that someone finally said, “Why not acknowledge our clients? After all, clients are the foundation of every business”, leading to the very first Client’s Day being celebrated on March 19th, 2010. And all at once, it seemed, the idea caught right on—Client’s Day was soon reported by several newspapers, and then permanently added to the Lithuanian calendar. Since then, Client’s Day has only grown in popularity. In 2012, it went full-out viral as companies all over the world took this opportunity to express their thanks to their clients. A year later, in 2013, Client’s day was implemented by several Lithuanian corporations and commended by the president of Lithuania himself, and has since spread to Russia as well.
How to Celebrate Client’s Day, If you have a company, no matter the size, Client’s Day is the perfect time for you to do something nice for your clients. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be anything grand—not everyone can afford to spend an enormous amount of time or money on things like this. As always, it’s the thought that counts, so get your team together to figure out what you can do for your clients to make them feel special. Do you have a bakery? Maybe consider giving everyone who comes in on Client’s Day a cute little bag of cookies on their way out that with a note that says a simple thank you. If you have a beauty salon, you could give your clients an assortment of samples of various beauty products, or offer each person who comes in a free nail painting. These are things that will not cost you too much, but will definitely make a lot of people’s days. And isn’t that what this is all about? If you do not have direct contact with your clients on an everyday basis, you could also consider simply calling them up to let them know you appreciate doing business with them—that kind of personal touch is sure to be remembered for a long time
March 30th Don’t miss out on ” Take a Walk in the Park Day”. It is an opportunity for exercise and relaxation. Are you stressed out? A walk in the park is just what the doctor ordered. Its calming and therapeutic. Taken after a busy work day, it helps clear your mind and re-energize you. Or, take the walk during lunch and you will find the afternoon of work goes by quicker and easier.
A walk in the park will likely be the most enjoyable part of your day. However, make sure to do so with a clear mind and with your eyes open. In addition to avoiding a fall, open eyes will allow you to take in the beauty of nature’s wonders: flowers, and trees, birds, and wildlife.
Tip: We suggest you take a walk in the park with a friend or partner. It will prove far more enjoyable if you have company on your walk.
App: Career Test
Book: 168 Hours: You have more time than you think by Laura Vanderkam
Buy it on Amazon
Aromatherapy essential oil: Rosemary OilDerived from petite evergreen shrubs with sharp leaves and pale blue flowers.
Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis
Aromatic Aroma: Rosemary has a strong, minty aroma with a woody undertone.
Consistency: Thin
Note: Top
Aroma Strength: Strong
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Plant Part: Herb
Origin: Spain
Color: Colorless to pale yellow
Common Uses: Rosemary stimulates cell renewal and improves dry or mature skin, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Its antiseptic properties help treat acne, blemishes or dull, dry skin by fighting bacteria and regulating oil production. Aromatherapists use Rosemary to stimulation circulation and reduce the appearance of broken capillaries and varicose veins. Because of its stimulating properties, Rosemary can be used to fortify the nervous system and increase concentration and focus.
Blends Well With: Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ginger, Lemon, Orange and Peppermint.
History: Rosemary is one of the world’s oldest medicines and flavorings. The ancient Greeks used Rosemary during religious ceremonies and in the Middle Ages, it was used to protect against infection.
Safety: Rosemary is nontoxic and non-sensitizing but is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, epilepsy or those who are pregnant.
Source: http://www.edensgarden.com/products/rosemary#.VPSD1st0xMw
Steelcase Statistic: 36%….the amount of time most people spend working.